Photo Gallery:
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Copyright © 2010 Weddings Of Love
Winny / Alfermann - August 21, 2004
Backyard Summer Garden Party
Campbell / Hopkins - December 31, 2004
Best Western - New Years Eve Party
Smith / Lightfoot - January 14, 2005
Knights Of Columbus Hall
Jeffrey / Watson - April 09, 2005
Waterloo Theatre - Stage / Video Production
Palmer / Litwiller - June 18, 2005
Stables Garden
Andrews / Comeau - June 17, 2005
Aberfoyle Mill - Gazebo
Sabatine / Jamieson - June 4, 2005
Mill Race Park
Bockmaster / Taylor - June 18, 2005
Walper Terrace - Oak Room
Diebold / Cooze - June 25, 2005
Backyard Garden
Gingrich / Cutler - June 30, 2005
Pioneer Tower
Bright / Stuart - July 2, 2005
Backyard Garden
Snyders / McGough - July 9, 2005
Farm Front Yard Garden
Schneider / Twaddle - July 9, 2005
Wings Of Paradise
Bruner / Dufton - July 10, 2005
Bingemans - Phillip Room
Smith / Moores - July 16, 2005
Weddings Of Love - Gazebo Elopement
Lynk / Pettley - July 23, 2005
Grey Silo Golf Club
Bourgeois / Bruntlett - July 30, 2005
Goldie Mill Ruins
Fedorov / Thompson - August 4, 2005
Rockwood Conservation Area - Pavillion
Ruehlicke / Burden - August 6, 2005
Backyard Rock Garden
Starmans / Ter Horst - August 13, 2005
Rockwood Conservation Area - Mill Ruins
Apgar / Webb - August 13, 2005
Backyard Garden
Cornell / Schacham - August 21, 2005
Tom Patterson Island - Stratford
MacLeod / Phipps - August 26, 2005
Club Willowells - Patio
Evans / Courtney - September 2, 2005
Weddings Of Love - Gazebo Elopement
Merner / Smith - September 3, 2005
Gallery On The Grand
Zbyszewska / James - September 3, 2005
Rosedale Farms - Side Yard
Padley / Graham - September 17, 2005
Holiday Inn - Cambridge
Woods / Bedore - October 12, 2005
Weddings Of Love - Elopement
Drawehn / Gilchrist - October 2, 2005
Woodside National Historic Site
Boniface / Clarke - October 14, 2005
Weddings Of Love - Elopement
Pierini / Holland - October 15, 2005
Millcroft Inn and Spa - Gazebo
Zhou / Cappleman - October 29, 2005
Parent's Home
Li / Stroszka - November 5, 2005
Weddings Of Love - Elopement
Lee / Kelly - December 31, 2005
Verses Restaurant - New Year's Eve Party
Weddings Of Love
At Locations of Your Choice